init.el (3771B)
1 ;;; init.el --- initialize 2 3 ;; Author: Mark Feller <> 4 5 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. 6 7 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 9 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) 10 ;; any later version. 11 12 ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 14 ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details. 16 17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 18 ;; along with this file. If not, see <>. 19 20 ;;; Commentary: 21 22 ;;; Code: 23 24 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 ;; Init 26 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 28 (defvar current-user 29 (getenv 30 (if (equal system-type 'windows-nt) "USERNAME" "USER"))) 31 32 (message "Powering up... Be patient, Master %s!" current-user) 33 34 (when (version< emacs-version "24.4") 35 (error "Requires at least GNU Emacs 24.4, but you're running %s" emacs-version)) 36 37 ;; Always load newest byte code 38 (setq load-prefer-newer t) 39 40 ;; reduce the frequency of garbage collection by making it happen on 41 ;; each 50MB of allocated data (the default is on every 0.76MB) 42 (setq gc-cons-threshold 50000000) 43 44 ;; warn when opening files bigger than 100MB 45 (setq large-file-warning-threshold 100000000) 46 47 (setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message t) 48 49 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 ;; Variables and Load Paths 51 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 53 (defvar emacs-dir (file-name-directory "~/.config/emacs/") 54 "The root dir of the Emacs distribution.") 55 56 (defvar core-dir (expand-file-name "core" emacs-dir) 57 "The home of core functionality.") 58 59 (defvar modules-dir (expand-file-name "modules" emacs-dir) 60 "This directory houses all of the modules.") 61 62 (defvar lisp-dir (expand-file-name "lisp" emacs-dir) 63 "This directory houses user lisp and site lisp") 64 65 (if (file-exists-p (concat emacs-dir "src")) 66 (setq source-directory (concat emacs-dir "src"))) 67 68 (add-to-list 'load-path core-dir) 69 (add-to-list 'load-path modules-dir) 70 (add-to-list 'load-path lisp-dir) 71 72 ;; load the custom file 73 (setq custom-file "~/.cache/emacs-custom.el") 74 (unless (file-exists-p custom-file) 75 (write-region "" nil custom-file)) 76 (load custom-file) 77 78 (require 'init-preload-local nil t) 79 80 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 ;; Core 82 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 84 (message "Loading core...") 85 86 (require 'core-bootstrap) 87 (require 'core-ui) 88 (when (eq system-type 'darwin) (require 'core-macos)) 89 (require 'core-packages) 90 (require 'core-defuns) 91 (require 'core-paths) 92 93 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 ;; Modules 95 ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 97 (message "Loading modules...") 98 99 (require 'module-c) 100 (require 'module-company) 101 (require 'module-docker) 102 (require 'module-eldoc) 103 (require 'module-elfeed) 104 (require 'module-emacs-lisp) 105 (require 'module-eshell) 106 (require 'module-evil) 107 (require 'module-git) 108 (require 'module-go) 109 (require 'module-ledger) 110 (require 'module-lsp) 111 (require 'module-multiple-cursors) 112 (require 'module-notmuch) 113 (require 'module-org) 114 (require 'module-projectile) 115 (require 'module-python) 116 (require 'module-restclient) 117 (require 'module-vterm) 118 (require 'module-yaml) 119 (require 'module-yasnippet) 120 121 ;; load any custom user provided locals 122 (require 'init-local nil t) 123 124 (message "Ready to do thy bidding, Master %s!" current-user) 125 126 ;;; init.el ends here