
personal dot files and scripts for linux and macOS
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wifi_conn (678B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # chose a network
      4 network=`nmcli -f SSID dev wifi list | tail -n +2 | sort -u | grep -v '\-\-' | sed 's/ *$//' | rofi -dmenu`
      5 pass=`rofi -password -p 'Password' -dmenu -show window`
      7 # connect to network
      8 msg=`nmcli device wifi connect $network password $pass 2>&1`
     10 # interpret the results
     11 case "$msg" in 
     12   *failed*)
     13     notify-send -u critical "WiFi" "Failed to connect to $network"
     14     ;;
     15   *No\ network\ with\ SSID*)
     16     notify-send -u critical "WiFi" "Could not find network with SSID '$network'"
     17     ;;
     18   *missing*)
     19     notify-send -u critical "WiFi" "Password not provided"
     20     ;;
     21   *)
     22     notify-send "wifi" "Successfully connected to '$network'"
     23     ;;
     24 esac